Chemical formula
Ace 2 S 3 |
Crystalline system
monoclinic |
sulphides |
Origin | Siberia, Russia |
Size | 2.0-3.0cm |
Orpiment mass.
Known since ancient times, orpiment is a sulphide of arsenic with a beautiful golden yellow color. Alchemists smelted it with copper, hoping to obtain silver.
Formerly it was used in medicine and as a pigment to paint, but also to obtain arsenic anhydride, a toxic substance used to cause poisoning, by burning it in the air.
The mineral includes a label with the name and origin and is attached to a cardboard box. 4 cm square.
*The price is per unit (a single cardboard box of the four shown in the photo)
ATTENTION: It is a toxic mineral. Use under the supervision of an adult and wash your hands before and after.
Since the minerals are natural, you will receive a piece similar to the one in the photograph. The minerals come in cardboard boxes and are glued to a porex base with hot silicone; these can be removed using ethyl alcohol without damaging the mineral. The size is approximate.