Chemical formula | C. |
Crystalline system
Hexagonal |
Native Elements |
Origin | El Muyo, Segovia |
Size |
2.00-3.00cm |
Massive laminar Graphite.
This native element is one of the forms in which carbon can occur in nature. Other forms are diamond, chaoite and lonsdaleite.
Much of the commercially mined graphite is used for pencil refills. It also has many electrical uses, mainly because it is the only common nonmetal that is a good conductor of electricity.
The mineral includes a label with the name and origin and is attached to a 4 cm square cardboard box.
*The price is per unit (a single cardboard box of the four shown in the photo)
Since the minerals are natural, you will receive a piece similar to the one in the photograph. The minerals come in cardboard boxes and are glued to a porex base with hot silicone; these can be removed using ethyl alcohol without damaging the mineral. The size is approximate.